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Wednesday 21 February 2018

Everything You Must Know About Ashtahnika Parva Today !

Everything You Must Know About Ashtahnika Parva Today ! Visit [spu popup="2873"]YOUR TEXT OR IMG HERE[/spu]

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Recently we got a DM on our Instagram account  [instagram-feed]

Which was to remind us to Post about the Ashtahnika Parva

You might be thinking, what is it? What is its significance in Jainism?

We know, you have many questions, hence here we are with :

Everything You Must Know About Ashtahnika Parva Today !

[Scroll down to read this in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए स्क्रॉल डाउन करे ]

As per the legend behind the Nandishwar Ashtahnika, there are eight islands and 52 Jain temples on the earth. The eighth island is known as Nandishwara. These fifty-two Jain temples are worshiped by the angels, where the entry of human beings is prohibited.

The Nandishwara island is surrounded three mountain ranges called the Anjana mountain, the Dadhimukha mountain, and the Ratikara mountain.

Each of these mountains also has a Jain temple. According to Jain legends, the four months from Ashada to Kartik is a monsoon season which gives rise to lots of flora and faunas.

Ashtahnika Parva arrives thrice in a Year during Kartik, Falgun & Ashadh

The Jain Sadhu & Sadhvijis are prohibited from traveling during this period as they may unknowingly hurt any living creature. Thus during this period, Jain sages used to stay put in one place where they pray for higher self-realization and well-being of mankind. It is known as Chaudasa Chaturmasa.

During this four months, the Jain shravak practices regular worship and other rituals at home!

Significance of Ashtahnika Vidhan:

The word Ashta meaning eight and Aanika meaning every day.

This festival is observed in the months of Aashad, Phalgun, and Karthika. It lasts for eight days till the Purnima or the full moon day.

When the festival falls in the months of Aashad and Phalguna, then the ritual is known as Nandishwar Ashtahnika. This ritual helps to gain greater spiritual insight, and wisdom. The observance of this ritual brings wish fulfilment for the devotees.

वर्ष में तीन बार आते अष्टाह्निका पर्व . जैनियों की मान्यता है स्वर्ग के देवता लोग नंदीश्वर द्वीप जाकर करते प्रभु की पूजा-भक्ति !


निरंतर आठों दिनों तक ....कार्तिक - फाल्गुन - आषाढ़इन तीन महीनों के शुक्ल पक्ष में मनाये जाते ये पर्व !

नंदीश्वर द्वीप तक नहीं पहुँच सकते मनुष्य ,इसीलिए मनुष्य अपने अपने मंदिरों में करते पूजा - विधान अधिक ...सिद्धचक्र- विधान किया जाता

इन पर्वों में अधिक और विधानों के अलावा जुड़कर जिसमे अधिक से अधिक श्रावक जन सामूहिक रूप से करते भक्ति - पूजा एवं भगवान की आराधना ...

इसीलिए जैन मंदिरों में दिखती रौनक अधिक हरेक मंदिरों में होते विधान आदि ....

Hope this helped you understand Ashtahnika Parva better !
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